Planting the right tree in the right place (and in healthy soil) is 90% of the ingredients in growing a magnificent tree- a great asset to the landscape for generations. Who better to buy that tree from than West Texas premier arborist? It isn't the normal thing for an arborist to also sell and plant trees. It isn't normal for a nurseryman to prune and provide other routine maintenance services to trees over the course of their life. But, who says Tree Loving Care has to be normal?
James Tuttle was one of the first Certified Arborists in Texas, Texas Arborist of the Year for 2007 and has loved trees for a lifetime. As International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborists, the staff at Tree Loving Care has, for decades, dealt with many problems and diagnosed many maladies that stem from improper planting. Sometimes, homeowners and even nurseries and landscapers plant poorly adapted trees or plant them improperly. Planting too deep is the most common problem with planting and the problems created generally don't show until years later.
Tree Loving Care now has a sister company, TLC Nursery. Our trained Arborists can help you select a native Texas tree and plant it properly, avoiding many of the issues that don't tend to show up for years or, sometimes, even decades.
TLC Nursery and Tree Farm is located just 6 miles west of Wolfforth on FM 1585. We are a couple of miles into Hockley County.
This year, we will have beautiful single and multi-trunk Live Oak, Texas Red Oak, Shumard Red Oak, Bur Oak, Chiquapin Oak, Cedar Elm, Lace Bark Elm, Chinese Pistachio, Afghan Pine, Pinyon Pine and Crape Myrtle. We also have bulk topsoil and compost available.
Spring hours are 8-5 Monday-Friday and 9-4 Saturday (and almost anytime by appointment). Office number is 806-785-8733. Staff is in the office generally 8-5 Monday-Friday and will be glad to answer any questions and show you around the tree lot.
Tree Loving Care and TLC Nursery
6740 E FM 1585
Ropesville, Tx 79358